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is there anybody on to talk to? i just want to hang out here for a bit but kind of just want to chat to some people about stuff 

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:12 PM


mrmusicPosted 14-05-2018 09:19 PM

Hey @j95 🙂

redheadPosted 14-05-2018 09:22 PM
@j95 how the weather, has it impacted your work at all
And I guess keeping busy is a good thing. I'm working with my social worker on keeping more busy.
How's the sports going. I saw your thread, have you been able to keep it up
j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:24 PM
I have been trying to @redhead cant play footy for a little bit though but still been training.
The weather has been awful and impacting work but we have still done a lot, just in the mud! sometimes we cant and its game over, but with certain jobs we have right know we could keep going
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-05-2018 09:32 PM
I can't stay and chat because it's my bedtime but I hope you have a lovely evening @j95 🙂
j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:33 PM
thanks @N1ghtW1ng
redheadPosted 14-05-2018 09:27 PM
@j95 that sounds hard but fun.

And good luck with footy this season
j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:28 PM
thanks @redhead will be good when im not suspended
mrmusicPosted 14-05-2018 09:29 PM

When can you start playing matches again @j95?

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:32 PM
1 more week @mrmusic
mrmusicPosted 14-05-2018 09:34 PM

That's not too far away now @j95. 🙂

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:38 PM
so not this weekend but next @mrmusic
redheadPosted 14-05-2018 09:34 PM
@j95 that's good.

And it's freezing here too. We're extremely lucky to get over 15.
j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:38 PM
today was nice here, i hope you arent in the area of those floods @redhead
j95Posted 14-05-2018 10:27 PM

I’m going to go kick the footy to calm down. I’m sick of getting accused of doing the wrong thing when I didn’t and I’m trying my hardest. 

Goodnight everyone. Thanks to those that talked to me tonight. 

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:19 PM
@mrmusic hey what are you up to
mrmusicPosted 14-05-2018 09:27 PM

Not much tonight @j95. I *should* be doing an assignment, but that can wait until tomorrow. Could you send some of that rain up here? We need it badly, we've had a lot of wind and it's been quite cold and blustery, but we need the rain badly - where I am it's bearable, but in other rural parts it's getting really critical.


And keeping busy is really good @redhead - keeps you out of mischief! 😉

j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:29 PM
@mrmusic its freezing
redheadPosted 14-05-2018 09:15 PM
I'll be around a little bit @j95.
I havent spoken to you in a while and I've been away from RO for most of the last 3 weeks. What's up 🙂
j95Posted 14-05-2018 09:18 PM
I haven't been on much either even though I have wanted to be. I just am struggling with a couple of things so even though here is helpfu,l space is also been good for me. I don't come on most nights anymore because doing other stuff helps me not get so angry and wound up @redhead

I have been working a lot too, so thats keeping me really busy

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