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tired bored weak sore

i'm tired cus i had too walk too school and get up at 1:30 it was a 3 hour walk so i just want someone to talk to

LoganXPosted 18-10-2023 10:48 AM


Not applicable

Sally_ROPosted 18-10-2023 12:33 PM

HI @LoganX i'm sorry to hear you're tired and sore - it seems completely understandable given your early wake up and very long walk to school. Is walking to school something you have to do regularly? 

You mentioned recently that you were up early due to experiencing insomnia. Was that the case for this morning too? 

LoganXPosted 18-10-2023 12:35 PM

yes it was 

Sally_ROPosted 18-10-2023 12:47 PM

I'm sorry to hear @LoganX , insomnia can be so rough to deal with 😞 

Have you found anything that helps to manage it? 

Not sure if you're up for the read at the moment, but in case you're interested, we have an article on insomnia here, which might give you some strategies to try to manage it. 

LoganXPosted 18-10-2023 12:50 PM

no sorry 

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