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I am so angry  at myself  I've made a mistake today  I want to cry scream  I'm upset  I don't know anymore  everything is my fault   I do everything wrong  

I'm a bad person all I do is my best  it falls in the lines   I just want to cry all day 😢   


I'm safe I've spoken to someone  but I still feel bad  

CupPosted 16-07-2024 01:35 PM


snazzy_pigeonPosted 16-07-2024 04:36 PM

Hey there @Cup ,

Thank you for sharing how you feel on here! And I'm sorry that you're feeling like this. I saw in the replies below that you have taken steps to help you feel a bit better and I applaud you for doing so! Little things can help a bit and I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself while you feel these emotions. Personally what helps me when I'm upset is writing how I feel or even just angrily scribbling (like literal scribbles) on a piece of paper.
I hope you start feeling better soon : ]

BoxmorePosted 16-07-2024 03:53 PM

Hello @Cup


Much like Bel, I am sorry to hear this. I know exactly what it's like to make a mistake in so many possible circumstances and situations. I know that feeling all too well whether it's relationships, school or personal. A mistake is a mistake and the feelings that come after are often horrible, which I am sure you know.


But I want to offer my support that the many many many mistakes I have made are probably not that far from your own. Ultimately, in the end, I was able to work through it, and I know you can too! How are you feeling now?

CupPosted 17-07-2024 05:32 AM

@Boxmore   @snazzy_pigeon


Thanks guys  I had a rough night  still angry   been crying most off the night  


I'm feeling very crappy and trapped in myself      I'm safe going to shower put music on  

Bel_ROPosted 16-07-2024 02:54 PM

Hey @Cup , 

It’s nice to see you again! I can hear that you’re angry and upset at the moment after making a mistake. I want to reiterate that it’s okay to make mistakes and it’s also okay to feel annoyed and upset about it. I also want to acknowledge that you’ve spoken to someone as speaking about how you’re feeling can be so tough! 


Considering how you are feeling, I am wondering what you will be doing today? I am also wondering if you have been engaged in any self care activities?


An email has also been sent to you so please keep an eye out for that. 

CupPosted 16-07-2024 03:13 PM

Hey @Bel_RO  I've had a shower I've had a walk   I'm listening to music   I am about to have a phone a friend 🧡  


I'll reply to the email soon 

BoxmorePosted 22-07-2024 07:04 PM

Hello @Cup


It has been a few days. So how are things travelling now?

CupPosted 23-07-2024 12:32 AM

Hello @Boxmore  


Honestly things have been bad  

Between my mum and friend  I've given up on them    I feel like a shitty person  I'll try to explain it better later in the morning Or afternoon  

Thanks for checking  means a lot that someone cares and remembers me  🫶 

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