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Can't think.

Feel like my brain has gone numb.

It's hard to process even if it's simple little things.

Reading became hard, whenever I read, the words doesn't come into my head.

When I try to speak or write I don't know what I'm saying and ends up with unfinished sentences.

I heard this is some symptoms of depression.. Will it ever get better?


Midnight_OwlPosted 25-08-2024 03:21 PM


Matcha_ToadPosted 26-08-2024 01:04 PM

Hi @Midnight_Owl


I am so very proud of you for coming on here and opening up about what you have been experiencing; it sounds like you are really struggling. I hope what myself and others have to say here may help you a little bit 💚


The symptoms you have described sound very troublesome for you, how long have you had these symptoms for? I'm curious to know if you have told a family member, a friend of even a GP or mental health professional about it? Considering how much of an impact these symptoms are having on your day-to-day life, I do encourage you to at least see a GP or mental health professional, like a counsellor, about it and go from there; they can provide you with the right help and resources.


There is always resources like Kids Helpline and headspace available for further support during this difficult time, and of course we're always here for you on ReachOut! 


If you are able to, do you think you could do a self-care activity today for yourself? Whether that's eating comfort food or even just sitting in the bottom of the shower and letting the warm water hit your back, it's still important to try to show some TLC to ourselves even while at our lowest. 


Hope to hear from you soon.


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

XxfrankiexXPosted 26-08-2024 12:45 PM


I just wanted to say this is very relatable to me. I'm depressed right now, which makes my already existing processing disorders worse. I often can't manage to muster up a sentence to respond to someone talking to me, think of anything to do or say, or read things people show to me. "Brain fog" is usually what I hear it called when in relation to depression. 


It's gotten better and worse over different times in my life. Its certainly not permanent but still very distressing to go through!! I hope yours clears up soon!! It can make it so hard to take steps to better when your brain can't process anything,, but hang in there ❤️

Bel_ROPosted 26-08-2024 12:37 PM

Hey @Midnight_Owl , 

Welcome to ReachOut! Thank you for sharing what you are going through with the community. I can hear how tough it is for you to be feeling like your brain is numb and having trouble with reading and writing. I want to acknowledge your efforts for reaching out for support and let you know that you’re not alone! You should be proud of yourself for seeking support and for showing such courage. 


It sounds like you have also been hearing that these symptoms can be linked to depression. It might be helpful to speak to a professional about what you are experiencing to explore potential diagnosis, so I am wondering if you’ve spoken to a professional like a GP or psychologist about this? 


I can hear that you might also be feeling confused about this and overwhelmed, which is completely normal and understandable. While it can be tough to explain to others what you’re experiencing, I am curious to know if you have reached out to any family or friends about what you’re going through? 


When you’re going through something difficult, it is important to take care of yourself to ease any distress you might be feeling. So I am interested to know if you have been able to engage in any self-care activities during this time? If you’re looking for some ideas, I encourage you to explore this topic on self-care that has a number of articles that include tips and ideas around activities you can do. 


I also want to let you know that an email has been sent to you to check in, so please keep an eye out for it.

LittlePiscesPosted 31-08-2024 01:04 PM

Hi @Midnight_Owl


Just wanted to check in and see how you've been doing this week and how you've been managing these difficult feelings?


It feels as though your brain has gone numb and you no longer have control over simple things. You've done some research and think you may have signs of depression. It sounds like you are going through a hard time as thinkings that used to come so naturally to you feel effortful and challenging. 


I am wondering if you have discussed these feelings with your GP or a mental health professional to help you make sense of this difficult time? The community members have listed some great resources for you to take a look at if you're interested. 


Looking forward to hearing from you 🤗

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