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Join an event. Happening today.


Hey everyone, tomorrow is a big day. We find out how people voted around equality for people who are LGBTQI- or as we sometimes refer to ourselves here- Rainbow people! 



This thread is a place for you to come for support. We'll update it through today and tomorrow so that we can all be ready and looking out for each other. No matter how the results turn out. 


This is not a place to have a debate or to talk about what's wrong or right, it's just for support, we know you will respect that :). 


Ben-ROPosted 14-11-2017 01:17 PM


Ben-ROPosted 14-11-2017 07:02 PM

That sounds awesome @roseisnotaplant we'll all be online and ready to chat tomorrow too, so pop on if you want to talk 🙂 

Ben-ROPosted 14-11-2017 01:28 PM

Here's the first post. This one is all about planning ahead! 


The Plebiscite will be announced at 10am (AEDT) tomorrow so it's important to think about who you're with, and to plan ahead if you can to make sure you're surrounded by people who care and understand what's happening for you. 


I'd like to know what your plan is so: 

Where will you be tomorrow and who can you get support from?  





GrayPosted 14-11-2017 09:10 PM

I will be in class then an exam at 1:40-3:20 then I will be in an extra-curricular activity until 5 or 6. I can get some support from a couple of friends.

roseisnotaplantPosted 15-11-2017 09:33 AM


but nervous.
honkyPosted 15-11-2017 09:49 AM

Feeling you @roseisnotaplant, but we're all here to support each otherHeart


SmileMonkeyPosted 15-11-2017 09:53 AM

Nervously waiting....



roseisnotaplantPosted 15-11-2017 09:50 AM
ugh ugh ugh uGH UGH UGH UGH
roseisnotaplantPosted 15-11-2017 09:54 AM
thanks loki ❤️
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-11-2017 01:30 PM

🙂 For those of you in other states, here is the release 🙂

NT: 8:30am

QLD: 9am

SA: 9:30am

WA: 7am

NSW, VIC, TAS: 10am

(if the image hasn't loaded)

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