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Help! I think I'm being lied too...By One Of My Best Friends

The was this boy. lets call him Tony. tony and I hooked up once casually about 4 months ago he said he really liked me. Is been a while and my bff(taylor) and i were chatting about finding someone to hook up with and and both said Tony. We agreed I would ask first and she would go after me. I asked tony and he just said he wanted to but he couldn t and that I would find out soon. So I don t know why but taylor and Tony have been going off alone together 2x so far. I asked taylor if she had asked to hookup get and she says no but she is always honest with me but i feel like she might be lying. and Tony doesn’t know that we both want to hook up he only knows that I do. And tony, Taylor and I have been friends for 3 years. HELP!
IhaveAQuestionPosted 08-05-2019 12:18 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 08-05-2019 09:02 PM

Hi @IhaveAQuestion! Welcome to the ReachOut forums!

That situation sounds really complicated and tough. Smiley Sad It's hard not to feel jealous when your friends talk to your crush. Relationships can sometimes get in the way of friendships.

I can't give you any specific advice on here. But it could help to think of other possibilities why your BFF and crush have been talking to each other alone. I don't know much about the context of your situation but it could be something innocent. For example, maybe they are tutoring each other. Thinking of other possibilities might help you feel a bit better. Are there any signs that your BFF is lying other than your intuition?

IhaveAQuestionPosted 09-05-2019 09:52 PM

Thanks for the support 🙂

Esperanza67Posted 09-05-2019 03:00 PM
Hey @IhaveAQuestion! I'm going to move your message to our "Tough Times" section as I think you would be able to get more of the advice that you need there. I hope that is okay! I agree with @WheresMySquishy, this situation sounds really tricky and I echo their question of whether you think there are any signs that your BFF is lying to you.

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