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How to ask for help?
I've struggled w depression and anxiety for 5 years now and it's not getting any easier. I have absolutely no friends (literally zero) and no support, which makes it worse. I tried to change that but i gave up cos everyone just thinks im weird. I saw a psychologist when i was 14 for a few months but I stopped going because I didn't like it. Bc of that my parents just assumed I felt better and they never mentioned it again. But anyway, i've been feeling very paranoid lately and losing touch w reality. I really want help but I don't want to disturb my parents or make them think im stupid or something. I cant talk to a school counsellor bc they will have to report me based on what i have to say. Same with a doctor. At this point I may just have to suffer until i turn 18 next year. I dont want that tho. Any ideas?
Hey @SDalbum,
That sounds like a really difficult situation, and I can totally understand your hesitance to see any professional supports right now. I'm not sure if this will help you with your decision at all, but because you're 17, you would be classed as someone who is a mature minor. This means that depending on your psych, they might not tell your parents what's going on without your consent. You can of course have this sort of conversation with them before you start any session which can help you decide. It might also be a really good idea to contact somewhere like headspace. This is a place that provides psych services for people who are under the age of 25, and can be a really good place to start if you want to get help independently. I also really really want to reassure you that you aren't stupid in anyway for feeling paranoid or out of touch with reality. This is something that a lot of people go through, and I am sure that your parents wouldn't think this of you either. Just wanted to quickly double check before I log off for the night, are you feeling unsafe in anyway tonight?
Thanks for your input. I'll try to get that all worked out.
I feel safe btw.
I found them helpful, thank you.
Btw something has come up. In order to address the paranoia etc. i would need to explain to them the story behind it. It has something to do with the opposite side of suicide and its something that nobody really talks about. i cant find any resources online to help me with it. i know if i mention it they will try to report me and stuff like that regardless of my age, even though i am sitting safe with it. i would just ignore it, but i cant because its causing my paranoia and stuff which is why i really want help. What should i do? Like how should i go about it?

I understand that you are feeling a bit hesitant to talk about what has happened as it might be reported. I do want to quickly mention that reporting is something that professionals need to do in circumstances as they are trying to look out for everyone (including you!) and make sure that people are safe

I unfortunately can't say it directly on here and I'm not sure about any other ways to subtly say it.
Everyone is safe, but even the fact that i have those thoughts will be concerning to professionals. I wish i could just say it but i cant 😞 Idk what to do...
I am glad to hear that everyone is safe, although it is a bit concerning to hear that you think that others would find your thoughts to be concerning. It definitely sounds like there is a lot on your mind @SDalbum. Do you think it would be helpful for you to share some of what you are thinking with someone (if you aren't feeling too comfortable sharing more with us)? If you are feeling up to it, there are several helplines that you can call up to talk to a professional such as Kids Helpline and Headspace.
I may be able to do that. Though when i was 14 and in touch with a psych etc. those helplines told me they could communicate with my psych too. So i gave them her email. The next year i called back and they still had my file up and i told them a bunch of my thoughts and they straight away emailed my old psych without telling me and she then emailed my mum and told her everything... i felt so mental. I have a hard time trusting those helplines because they probably still have my info when i call them. 😕 maybe if i ask to say anon. Though they probably still have same way
Im ok thanks.
Well.. ye.But i dont want to scare anybody so if this is too confronting then feel free to delete this. Once again i am safe
That is good to hear @SDalbum, I hope that you are able to reach out and get some support to help you through this. I am sorry to hear about your previous experience, it sounds like it was not the best ! I can understand why that made you feel unsettled and uncertain about helplines. I hope that things have changed a bit and you might find your next experience of talking with a helpline to be positive. I would definitely encourage you to ask to remain anonymous when you call up as most helplines will work with you to support your needs. They of course have certain confidentiality and duty of care requirements (like all professional services) but I am sure you could talk to them about some of your concerns that you might have and they could support you