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TW: I think a might be a schizophrenic.

Hey! I have problems and this one is no Diffrent. so i see things at night like shapes, people, other. and i think they are going to get me. and sometimes when im home alone i get paranoid. i think someone is hiding in my house i think someone watches me when i get changed shower, and i count how many years till death and think about what happens after you die and get scared becuse i realize i only have a limited time and then thats it no more and i wont even know and im not sure if it noraml to have these thing but i do them and sometimes its worse than other should i tell somebody or am i makeing things up

Impluse_the_newsiesPosted 16-03-2023 01:00 PM


Bre-ROPosted 16-03-2023 03:46 PM

Hey @Impluse_the_newsies 


Thank you for opening up to us about this. It sounds like you’ve been dealing with some scary experiences, and I think you’ve made a good decision by letting someone know how you’ve been feeling. 


You’ve asked whether you should tell someone about the thoughts you’ve been having, and I think that’s a really good idea. Can you think of any people you’d feel comfortable chatting with about this? Opening up about your mental health for the first time can be hard, so I’m curious to ask how you feel about doing that?


You've taken a brave step today, and we're here to continue listening and supporting you. We've sent you a check-in email, so when you get a chance to take a look, please do 😌



Impluse_the_newsiesPosted 29-03-2023 11:31 AM

hey sorry i took forever to respond im till not sure how to tell people could you help me with that

Amber-ROPosted 29-03-2023 11:38 AM

Hey there @Impluse_the_newsies 

It can be really challenging opening up to others about how you're feeling at the moment and what you're experiencing, especially if it's all new to you as well, or if you don't really know how to describe it! How you're feeling is so valid about it. 


If you have some trusted informal support in your life (such as family, friends etc) then you could try opening up about what you're experiencing to them. Maybe they could have experienced something similar, or could give you some advice on what you're expereincing from a loving and caring perspective. 


Also, getting in touch with more formal supports (such as a psychologist) is also important for you moving forward. You can get a referral to a psychologist via a GP. This will mean that you're able to explain what you're feeling/ seeing with a trusted professional, and they can help give you some steps moving forward. It might make a bit more sense as well by talking to a professional! 



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