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TW r u ok? day

so today at school we have r u ok day, i worre yellow to school today  and how am i supposed to cope with it today because i've been through a lot and yesterday i was walking home with my siblings and people were calling my name i ignored them becauase i was walking my siblings home and then this boy came up to me and put his hand on me but i don't like people putting their hand on me that i don't know that well and it brought back memeories to the point where i've been through the abuse in the household it's gotten better how my mum has been abused it hasn't happened that much after the last time

you can share your experiences about anything to do with mental health or your experiences of r u ok day  



Tulip_StarlingPosted 08-09-2022 11:01 AM


Bre-ROPosted 08-09-2022 02:43 PM

Hey @Tulip_Starling👋 thanks for sharing your feelings and mentioning r u ok day. It sounds like your school is putting something on for r u ok day, and you're unsure how to cope with the day because of everything that's been going on recently, is that right? 


It can be confronting hearing about mental health stuff when you're going through your own struggles. Do you feel comfortable letting a teacher know how you feel about r u ok day so that you can take breaks if you need them? 


Also, I'm sorry to hear about what happened yesterday. It's so understandable that you don't want anyone putting their hand on you - it's your body, and you get to decide what feels comfortable for you. How are you feeling today about the memories that came back? 


I'm relieved to hear that things are better at home and know we're here to listen if it's on your mind. It's normal to have upsetting memories pop up, but you don't have to carry them on your own 😌 Do you think chatting with the school counsellor today would be helpful? 


We'll also send you a check-in email, so take a look when you're up to it. 

Tulip_StarlingPosted 08-09-2022 03:00 PM

hi reachout forums,


yea thats right im unsure how to cope with the day beause of everything that's going on.


i don't feel comfortable letting a teacher know about how i feel about the day today, i mean not at the moment anyway.


i mean i'm feeling a little better about the memories that came up.


talking to the school counsellor today about whats been happening would be good but there's no point going to her at the moment because there's not long until school ends at the moment.


ok then i'll look out for the email.



Courtney-ROPosted 08-09-2022 09:05 PM

Hey @Tulip_Starling I'm sorry to hear that you had such a hard day at school today. It sounds like a lot to be managing right now, especially with everything else thats going on. How are you feeling tonight?

That's okay that you don't feel comfortable talking to a teacher about how you feel. It can be really scary opening up to someone new so we completely understand, thank you for letting us know though. As you have mentioned talking to your school counsellor, I was wondering if you would feel comfortable making an appointment with them and talking to them about what happened today? Having those memories pop up sounds really scary and I don't want you to have to manage them on your own.

As today has been so tough, is there something nice you could do to distract yourself tonight? 

We're all here for you 💜

Tulip_StarlingPosted 12-09-2022 02:23 PM

hi reachout forums,

to be honest i'm not feeling that great at the moment, i would feel comfortable making an appointment to see my school counsellor to talk to her about what happened on thursday, there wasn't something nice i could do to distract myself at the time.

sorry for the late reply 


Blake_ROPosted 12-09-2022 04:44 PM

Hi @Tulip_Starling

Thank you for touching base with us. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. I wanted to remind you that we are all here for you. 


I also wanted to let you know that I have just sent you an email, could you please keep an eye out for that? 

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