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It doesn’t not feel good to tell someone about my self harm, no matter how many people told me that it’s good to tell someone like it’s a weight lifted of you shoulders it was not like that for me I feel scared and panicky I do not like this feeling I wish I didn’t say anything 

i feel lonely still she didn’t understand me and why I do it why don’t people understand me 



( I’m not going to hurt myself ) 

Marron_MammothPosted 06-09-2023 03:09 PM


Blake_ROPosted 06-09-2023 04:01 PM

Hey @Marron_Mammoth

Firstly, thank you for letting us know that you are safe, we really appreciate it. 

I am sorry to hear that you felt this way when opening up to someone about your self-harm. I just want to acknowledge how much bravery it takes to be so honest about this in the first place and isn't always easy so you should be really proud of yourself for taking that step. You mentioned that you told someone about this and I was wondering if this was a friend, family member or a professional support? 


I was wondering if you have done anything positive today, or if there is something nice you can do for yourself tonight to help take care of you? 


Remember that we are all here for you. 


Marron_MammothPosted 06-09-2023 04:16 PM

It was my schools well-being and it sucked she didn't care about it 

Marron_MammothPosted 06-09-2023 04:16 PM

And no I haven't done anything positive

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