Hi @Impluse_the_newsies , thank you for sharing this with the online community and trusting us with your story, I acknowledge that this was a really tough topic for you to open up about. I am really sorry to hear that your ex-boyfriend called you names and said things to put you down, no one deserves to be treated that way. How are you feeling about everything that happened at your old school right now?
You mentioned that one of your closest friends still attends the school, I am wondering if you are still in contact with them? Are they someone who you would feel comfortable talking to about how you’re feeling?
You mentioned you feel as though you have forgotten how to act around others. I imagine moving schools and meeting new people hasn’t been easy, especially after what you dealt with at your last school.
How are things going at the school you’re at now? Have you made any new friends? We have some articles on friendships here and here, I wonder if they might be helpful?