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year 11
Hey Everyone,
there are just a few things I would like to say, when I made my first post a got all of your lovely responses and help it filled me with so much joy and happiness and as I wen through the year it had made my anxiety a lot better and also me not having so many panic attacks, the last one i think i had was last year Term 4.
i feel really safe on here and i can just feel like there are others with the same thing and not feel like they are judging me thank you.
I am now going into year 11 and a lot of people are saying it is the hardest year is it?
Hey @Betty123 ! I'm jumping in to say that year 11 isn't necessarily the hardest year, but it is difficult for new reasons. I found that assignments were graded a bit more harshly, but they're really just preparing you for year 12. If you're thoughtful about how to incorporate the feedback, these assignments can be really helpful as they'll be similar to the ones you do in year 12!
I also noticed that year 11 was most difficult for students who hadn't worked hard on their studies until that year. Those students were more prone to burnout because they weren't used to working so hard and hadn't picked up healthy study habits. You sound like you have always been very thoughtful around school and try your best, so I think you will find it less difficult in that sense. To me, year 11 is really the year where you can make some mistakes that will help you in your last year of school 🙂
I saw that you were worried because you need to submit a big report but struggle with higher word counts. I recently did an 8000-word assignment for uni, and I can't imagine having to do that in high school! What I ended up doing was planning how to make the assignment as long as possible. For example, you could make lots of different sections that you can research separately and break up into mini-essays that you can put together at the end of the year. Are there any teachers you could talk to about how past students have approached this task?
Hi @Betty123 
Awww, we are so happy to hear that you have felt joy and happiness from sharing your story on the forums That is what we are here for! It is so great that you have being having less panic attacks. I imagine that must make school a little more bearable.
It is probably a subjective opinion - I definitely don't remember it being the hardest year. It was a bit different from Year 10 in terms of the workload and the subjects that you've now chosen but you can totally prepare by trying to be organised in order to keep on top of the workload Are you feeling worried or nervous about these comments that others have made?
well the comments haven't made me any more condfendent about the year ahead but it hasn't made me exactly nervous about it. I am just trying to get prepaied for the the year ahead and see what i can do.
Sorry if that doesn't make sence but i think i will be ok i think the thing i most nervous about is my Resherch Project. Did you ever do it?
Hey @Betty123 
I totally understand needing to feel prepared for what's coming ahead, even if it is uncomfortable. I think everyone has different experiences of different year levels and whilst school is a huge part of your day, it's not all of your life and you'll have other things like memories with family and friends to balance it out.
As for research projects - I have completed research projects, but never during high school. I definitely understand it causing a few nerves, especially because they're new but your teachers and school will support you because at the end of the day they want you to succeed 😊
What about the research project gives you nerves? How do you think you can start preparing for it and feeling more comfortable with it?
Thanks @Jennifer-RO ,
for the resherch project i already know what i amdoing it on it is just that it is going to be 10,000 words and i can barley write 600 words let alone 10,000 and i am also terrible at writing because i have dyslexia (hope i splet that right) so that is why i am a little nervous.
although i have done writing and sentences with my mum it still doesn't feel like i am ready 🙂
Hi @Betty123 
I can understand how stressful it can be when you have dyslexia to have to write such a long research project. I found out I have mild dyslexia (for me it's more with reading than writing) when I was in uni and was able to get extra time for exams and could use a program that read the questions out to me. It helped loads! I'm wondering if there is any support like this in your school? Have you spoken to a teacher about your dyslexia?
hi @lona_RO
not really i find it hard for some reson to tell them i just don't know if they wil understand plus i have a hard time talking ti poeple wiht my NVLD so i don't know. But because i need to be more confident i will give it a go and see if they understand (most likey they will)
Hey @Betty123 ,
I'm also going into year 11 this year, so I understand what you're going through. I'm very nervous too, despite having sorted a few things out. My FND is a bit of a problem for school ahaha. I end up missing a bunch of class time because I'm usually unconscious for portions of the lesson.
With the word count problem, I struggle to get word counts higher than 800 as well. Maybe we could help each other expand on our work? I don't know, and we probably have different topics as well, but you never know, maybe we can help each other out!
Have you started school already? I'm in QLD, so I don't start until Monday, but I'll be online for that week. They decided to delay the start to school for QLD ahaha
Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 
thank you for your responce i start school this week on wednesday cause i amin adilaide and we will be doing online learning for a couple od weeks. as for the RP maybe we could maybe if we can create a chat or somethig idk but it is a good suggestion it might be good but also like you said yes we may have very different subjects, i have never heard of FND but it doesn't sound fun so i am sorry to hear that. so let me know what youb think it is great to know that someone else is also going into year 11 as well
Hey @Betty123
That's cool, I have to go back to school in person on the 7th of Feb. Which sucks, because I have a large family and I have to catch a train to get to school, so I don't really want to go back in person until it all settles down, but it's not....
Anyways, I can make a thread that's just for us to put feedback into and chat about our work if you want!
Can I ask which subjects are you doing? and are they applied or General (I think its the same system for seniour down there...?)?
FND is Functional Neurological Disorder, but for me it's a type where I "Dissociate". I just faint/have seizures a lot, that's basically all it is ahaha
It's definitely great to know there's some other user's here going into year 11, I thought I would be one of the only ones here, but apparently not! 😄
Talking about these things can definitely be a bit scary! But I think it would be a good thing to do to make sure you get the support you need. And teachers are trained with all of this, so they will understand and want to help.
Maybe you could ask your mum to have a chat with the teacher instead?