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Is omni an accepted thing?

Ok so

I am a female and I'm omnisexual (with a preference towards masc). Most of my group are some part of the LGBTQIA+ community and they all accept me. However. One of them (i wont use names) is pan. She reckons i am just straight and confused. This is really hurtful to me, and since shes sort of my best friend (but we are having issues so yeah) it kinda hurts to the power of ten. Just to clarify, shes never actually said that i'm just straight and confused, but she has implied it many, many times. It's kinda making me question if im actually omni or just straight and confused and doing it to fit in. But heres the thing; i have had quite a few crushes on girls. I actually had a crush on my best friend for ages. I currently have a boyfriend who completely supports me and loves me (he's great), but this person i have been talking about says it's more evidence that i'm just straight and confused. This is kinda triggering my impostor syndrome, and it sucks. I'm not sure if i need help or not, or just what to do 

CarliPosted 30-03-2023 03:04 PM


KayaraPosted 11-09-2023 07:14 PM

I just wanted to say thank you this actually helped me realise I'm omniromantic 😄

Frog444722Posted 11-09-2023 08:35 PM

@Kayara is omnisexual and omniromantic the same thing?

KayaraPosted 11-09-2023 10:37 PM

Pretty much for me anyway but I'm apothisexual so it's just my romantic orientation, who I wanna date or am romantically attracted to etc. 

Frog444722Posted 11-09-2023 06:22 PM

@Carli what is omni? I've heard of it before but I've never known what it is. Could you please explain it to me 😊also it sounds like you're having a difficult time with ur friend and I hope it works out

ZooliePosted 11-09-2023 06:26 PM

omni is alot like pansexual, you are able to feel atraction to all genders but you still have some sort of gender prefrence. (sorry if this is weird coming from someone who isnt omni)

Frog444722Posted 11-09-2023 06:28 PM

Thanks for letting me know 😊

I'm actually lesbian/bi. Idk which so this was actually helpful for me too

ZooliePosted 11-09-2023 06:17 PM

i have a friend who is omni as well, everyone in our group is accepting of her, and I think that if your friend doesnt understand then you just need to make it clear to them that, this is who you are and it is important to you that they understand that. 

Qingli_DawnPosted 03-04-2023 02:35 AM

Hi @Carli 

I'm so sorry this person has been saying and implying such things. It can be so difficult to explore your sexuality, even without people gatekeeping the community. I'm so glad that your boyfriend is supportive of you 😊

Omnisexual is a totally valid multi-gender attraction, and it's amazing that you have found an identity that resonates with you. 

These negative experiences and imposter syndrome are unfortunately very common within our community, but please know that there is a whole national and international community out there, ready to support you too. It might be worth looking into local LGBTQIA+ youth groups and services in your area/state for further support and friends too, there's some really awesome ones around.

If you're comfortable, maybe sitting down and having a conversation with this friend might help, if you're wanting to stay friends. She might also be experiencing imposter syndrome, and projecting her insecurities onto you. This is in no way an excuse for her behaviour, but it can help to support each other through these thoughts and feelings.

I wish you the best 💜

Bre-ROPosted 31-03-2023 02:38 PM

Gosh, this must be so upsetting for you @Carli 


It can be hard enough to come to terms with your sexual identity, and the last thing you need is your friend questioning you. It sounds like you know exactly who you are, and we completely accept your omnisexual identity here. So, just know we are here whenever you need a reminder or some validation. 


I also want to share the number for Qlife with you, they are an LGBTIQA+ support service, and you can contact them at 1800 184 527. This article called How to tell your friend they've hurt you might also be worth a read!


I hope to see you around in the forum again! 🥰

Chloe-ROPosted 30-03-2023 10:16 PM

Hi there @Carli ,


Do you think this article might help? Understanding gender and sexuality can be confusing and trying at times. There are certainly a lot of resources you can connect with which will hopeful iron things out for you.


Take care.

KayaraPosted 30-03-2023 04:49 PM

That sounds super hard and I'm really sorry you're friends have been implying invalidating things like that but your identity is something you know about yourself and your friend can't decide that for you, feeling like you're an impostor is super hard but it definitely sounds like your friend is wrong and you definitely deserve validation and your friends to believe you when you tell them how you identify. If it changes ever to anything else after you learn more about yourself that doesn't mean you were ever faking anything you are omni if you identify as it and it isn't up to your friend to say any different. If you want to keep being friends definitely tell them that what they're saying is wrong and hurtful and if they don't stop I wouldn't suggest staying around that person. I hope this helps and I'm so glad you have a great boyfriend you deserve people around you to support you, you are not confused you know yourself and your identity better than anyone. 

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