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How do you heal a broken heart?

I broke up with my girlfriend last month yet it feels like it was just yesterday. My friends and family were always there by my side after that painful break up. They never failed to make me feel important and worth loving for. They made me realize that they are just always there loving me for who I am and I am beyond blessed for that alone. But I still can’t figure out what it is that my heart is truly looking for. Don’t get me wrong. I am glad they are there for me--- my family and true friends. But it feels like there is still something missing in me. I think I have lost myself too the moment she chose to leave me.

healmyheartPosted 15-08-2018 06:42 PM


BirdeyePosted 17-08-2018 02:42 PM
Hi @healmyheart, break-ups are always hard. I think that feeling of missing something or not being yourself anymore is very common. It's a big change that happens.

Have you been doing anything to take care of yourself or help yourself get through it?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 15-08-2018 08:18 PM

Hey there @healmyheart and welcome to the forums 🙂


I don't have any experience with breakups (or relationships) myself, however I understand how hard it can be and how horrible they can make you feel. It's wonderful that you had the support of your family and friends during that tough time, I was wondering if you've reached out to them about how you're feeling currently? Do you think that would help?


Reachout also has an awesome article over here on coping with breakups, what do you think?

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