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I Think Something is Wrong with My Friend.

Hi, I think something might be wrong with my friend. She has mentioned before about going to a psychiatrist for anxiety but recently I feel like a lot has changed. She used to be all confident, outgoing and bubbly and now she's quiet and recently she has been going to the bathroom and staying there for all of lunch. I really want to ask her if everything is ok, but I don't know how to bring it up. I want to help and be there for her because I know that's what I would like, for someone to notice. But, I also don't know how to bring it up as we were really close but we started to drift apart last year. Any suggestions on what I should do? I have already lost a friend to suicide and I really don't want to lose another friend and I'm scared that might happen if I don't try and help. Idk if I'm just overanalysing everything or what but I really would like some advice. 

BookloverPosted 17-10-2017 07:31 PM


Bree-ROPosted 17-10-2017 10:25 PM

Hey there @Booklover, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend to suicide recently. It totally makes sense to now be really concerned about your current friend who is showing signs of anxiety and other changes. It's definitely okay to touch base with people in a non-directive way. For example instead of blatantly asking, even something as simple as a message i.e. "Hey there, I know we haven't spoken in a few weeks - but I hope you know I am always here for you if you want to talk."

These sorts of statement's aren't too invasive and I have personally found most people respond pretty well to them. How are you going with all of this? How's your own mental health? Look forward to hearing from you. Smiley Happy

mlang166Posted 17-10-2017 07:36 PM

Hi there! maybe she has experienced something bad that happened and it affects/affected her family or herself??? Support her and try to bring up the conversation like "I've noticed that you're looking a bit down for a while... is everything okay?" .it works with my friends. has she been to any parties or something like that? i don't want to scare you but have any males become interested in her that might make her feel funny or confused? i feel confused and funny if a boy acts different- especially if it's a good friend who i want to STAY good friends with (which happened today). be gentle with her but let her know that you r there for her. maybe you could ask her family if she acts like that at home? (assuming that u know the family well.)

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