Hi everyone,
I am thinking of going on a 6-day hike with my mum. I love hiking and being out in nature (and I love my mum!), however I have a number of concerns. The main one is that my mum snores. Loudly. I am a super light sleeper, and in the past when I have tried to sleep in the same room with her I've had horrible sleep (if any). I've even tried headphones, but they don't block out the noise. I also think my OCD makes me more sensitive to noise or something, because there are certain sounds I can't stand and snoring is one of them.
If we went on this hike, I might be able to have my own tent (if the hiking group doesn't fill up completely and there are some spare tents). But there is also a high chance that it would fill up and I would end up having to share a tent with my mum and sleeping right next to her.
It's really tough because her legs and knees are getting bad, and I don't know how many more big hikes she will be able to do. So I am worried if I don't take this chance now, I might not have many chances to go hiking with her.
At the same time though I am just so worried about not getting any sleep. I know I will be miserable if I have to do a 6-day hike whilst being severely sleep deprived the whole time 😞
I guess there is a chance I will be so tired at the end of each day that I might be able to fall asleep despite the snoring . . . but I just don't know for sure.
Another option is that I just go on a holiday with my mum to a city and we rent a holiday flat that has at least a couch-bed separate from the bedroom.
I have no idea what to do. Anyone have any thoughts/advice?
Thanks! xx
JardinPosted 20-03-2023 10:45 AM