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TW: Chat
Does anyone want to talk at all?
I'm not feeling great. I'm very sad and alone; I just want some connection with people.
I've prepared my canvas for my painting, so I'm waiting for it to dry before I start.
Now I'm crying again. I'm sorry. I'm safe.
I'm much better today thank you. Food poisoning not very good lol.
We are going tomorrow so that will be fun.
I bet your having fun with him. Is he staying for long?
I’ve just been doing my assignment today that's due tomorrow.
I'm at my pop's house we cooked dinner for him. It's hard with all the new year's stuff. I'm just not into it. I don't know how to get happy about it. I just don't know how to celebrate when things have been going so wrong. Anyway, I'm just ranting now.
I hope you've had a lovely night.
Hey @Red_Flamingo
How are you feeling today? I saw your other post and it seems like things are difficult. It’s really frustrating that you aren’t free to express your feelings and aren’t being treated like an adult. Hopefully your emotions will be manageable when you finally have some time to feel them. If they are too much, please reach out to someone.
How was the movie? What did you end up seeing?
It was good spending time with him. He stayed for about a week and went back home on Monday. He’s not judgmental at all so it’s really nice to talk to him about things.
Honestly everyone makes such a big deal about New Year’s Eve/Day and I don’t get the hype. The fact that I can’t/shouldn’t drink probably contributes significantly though 😂. I hope you had a tolerable night and that you have an excellent year.
I’ve had an alright day. I went out for breakfast, went to my pops, and ran to get a hook for a cupboard in Mum's laundry and put them up for her. Then I'm out for dinner with a ballet friend who couldn't make it as she had to go to the ED. She is very sick.
I don't know why, but seeing your message and you asking how I am like gave me a feeling, or I guess because I'm not feeling them when someone asks who cares about me and genuinely can answer. I’m feeling a bit sad. That is not from you. I think that's me checking in with myself. I've been busy all day. It's mostly at night when things are worse.
I'm going back to uni tomorrow so my emotions will be more free. I see my psych on Wednesday so that's good. I really need it.
Lol, now I want to cry.
That's good he was nice. What are you up to today?
Hey @Red_Flamingo
I’m glad today has been okay. Sounds like a busy day. Oh no, hopefully your friend recovers/feels better soon.
I get you. A lot of the time, especially with a mental illness, it feels like when people ask you how you are they just want to hear you say that you’re okay and so they can feel good about themselves for caring. Feeling sad makes sense given everything that you’ve been going through recently. Nights are just so quiet, I found that the silence caused all the emotions I was hiding from to resurface.
You’ll be moving in with your new roommates? If so, I hope you guys get on nicely.
I haven’t been up to much. My friend came over for a bit and I watched a show with my mum. I’ve been trying to fix my sleep routine for uni restarting but I have not been very successful 😂.
Yeah a little I guess @Lapis_Anteater
I'm now at home. I need to pack my bag before we fly out tomorrow and go to uni.
Yes, that is true, but I wasn't really meaning that. I mean because you asked how I was it made me think about how I am and that I'm not actually okay. but I didn't become sad because of what you said. Sorry, maybe I am not explaining what I mean.
I saw your message and I was in the book aisle and then I could feel my emotions surface.
Anyway yes, I am on Saturday. One will be there unless she is on holiday and the other comes on the 27th of Jan. I do hope we get on well.
Hey @Red_Flamingo
I get you. You explained it well.
How’s being back home? What have you been up to?
How was meeting your roommate?
Thank you!
I'm moving in slowly. Got everything out of my old room and the new place is so much nicer.
I'll show you my room once I'm done.
No, I haven't met anyone no one is here. One is on holiday and the other hasn't moved in yet.
What have you been up to? I hope you're doing okay.
Hey @Red_Flamingo
Nice! That’s so good.
Ah that’s fair. It’ll be nice to have the whole place to yourself for a bit. You can get settled before everyone shows up.
I haven’t been doing much just staying near the aircon. It’s too hot for me. Uni restarts on Monday which should be good. How did your assignment go?
Yes, it will be good. It's. bit messy the other female left a bin in the kitchen since at least mid-Dec and it was mouldy.
That's good you have aircon. Gosh, that's a quick turn around. You're doing trimesters, right? Yes, it was good. I did 1200 words which is more of an essay than a plan lol. The final essay is 2000 words so I'll do that easily. @Lapis_Anteater
Hey @Red_Flamingo
Aw, gross. Was it okay to clean?
Yeah, it is pretty quick, but I guess that’s the trimester life. I only have 4 weeks until exams so it’s not too bad.
That’s a very through plan. Very helpful in reducing the amount of work you’ll have to do later.
Have you been up to much today? I’m really hoping for more thunderstorms soon.
Yes it's okay now @Lapis_Anteater
Yeah, it will help with the essay.
I've done more unpacking, and organising. I've come home from dinner with my parents and I wouldn't say I'm feeling 100%.
What are you doing tonight?
Wow how many weeks is a trimester?
Hey @
Have you finished most of the unpacking and organising?
I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling the best. Hopefully spending some time in your own space will make things feel better. How’s today been?
I haven’t been up to much. I got some Pokémon nano blocks, so I’ve been building them. Have you been up to anything fun? Created any new are recently?
Only 11 weeks, and this is week 8.
Yes, it's all done now. I just need to organise my things around the desk draws as I have nine to use lol.
Thank you. Still haven't been feeling good today. I think I'll cry tonight once everyone leaves. I've been waiting to cry for a few hours.
Ah, okay, I hope you've been enjoying the Pokèmon. No, not yet. Once Mum goes, I would like to get into my Lego and art stuff, which is tomorrow, by the way. So I'll like my space. However, saying that my psych said it wouldn't be too good to have a lot of time on my hands.
Tomorrow I have a job interview I think. They haven't replied to my email yet.
Hi @Red_Flamingo I had a pretty normal weekend. Mainly chilled and watched TV. Started this new show called the Hollow on Netflix (really intriguing). I also watched Taylor Swift's Reputation tour film the other day on Netflix because I saw it was leaving the platform at the end of the month. It was SO amazing, loved the mashups of the songs scattered throughout (particularly the Bad Blood/Should've Said No one).
Also got my Year 12 ATAR. Don't feel comfortable sharing the exact result but I did better than I thought yay.
Congrats on the new apartment by the way! Hope the plane trip goes well tomorrow :).
OMG that is so great @AcidMonster55
What do you want to study next year? I'm not sure if I've asked or if you've told me. Sorry if you have.
I'll have to watch it. Yeah thanks. I'm looking forward to the change next year. Yes I hope so too. My flight is at 7:45 pm. I have two appointment tomorrow one with the clinical trial person and my psych. So a heavy day.
Hiya @Red_Flamingo
I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. I went shopping today and bought a couple of dresses I'm pretty happy with. I'm also keen to set some goals for this year. How are you doing today? And how's your painting coming along?:)
I did have a nice weekend, I had to work but I managed to set our store up for Christmas week which is a bonus. My family also celebrated my mum birthday so we went out for lunch as well.
I hope you had a nice weekend too.
That sounds lovely @Rara
I hope you enjoy lunch.
Thank you it has been very busy. I've just moved into my new apartment at uni.
That's good to hear. I hope your Mum had a lovely birthday.
Are you working over the Christmas period?
It was okay; I had been packing boxes ready for the move next year @Rara
Last night wasn't the best, but hey, what's new? It's not like it would be anything different.
She did thank you.
Yeah I am working over the Christmas period I am used to it by now though.
That must be exciting moving into a new place, I always found even just changing your space around can help readjust yourself a bit feel like your changing with your space.
That's good to hear @Rara
Oh okay, will you have a break at all before uni starts.
Yes it is, but I'm also scared.
Hey @Red_Flamingo
How are you doing?
Sorry for the late response, the change in times you can post here has been a bit of challenge.
I’m doing pretty well. I have a 45% assignment due next week so I’m a little be stress.
What have you been getting up to?