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TW: Idk

Life is hard and I can’t figure how to make the big decisions like when to pay rent and when to do shopping.


self harm is constantly on my mind and it all just sucks

Kaylee04Posted 13-01-2023 11:42 PM


Sally_ROPosted 20-01-2023 01:25 PM

Hey @Kaylee04😊 It’s been a few days since we heard from you last, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re going?

AnzelmoPosted 15-01-2023 11:56 AM

Hi @Kaylee04


I hope you are well, and I'm sorry to hear that things have not been feeling the best for you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us on the forum.


With regards to helping with big decisions, maybe you can set a day where you push yourself to do all those things like sorting out rent and doing shopping. Having an errand day will help keep your mind focused that today is the day to be productive, and you can think to yourself that - If I get it all done today, I don't have to think about it or deal with it until the next time. That way you have the rest of your week free. Having things scheduled and written down can also just help clear the mind and make you feel less overwhelmed as It won't just be looming over your head.


I hope you are well and safe 💙 

Kaylee04Posted 15-01-2023 01:09 PM

Thanks for that. That sounds like it would work I'm gonna try that out thanks.

GreenfernPosted 14-01-2023 05:31 PM

Hi Kaylee04, 


Sorry to hear things are a bit overwhelming right now. 


I'm wondering if setting up a schedule for tasks like paying rent and shopping may help relieve the load on your mind? Also, is there any friend or family you can talk to at the moment who may be able to help you? It can be tough going through big decisions yourself and can be helpful to have someone to talk things through with.


Hope this helps, 


Kaylee04Posted 15-01-2023 01:11 PM

Yeh thanks I'm gonna try that. I don't really have family cause I was in foster care as in kid and now that im 18 it's hard to have that family again. I have a few really close friends but I feel if I talk to them they might not want to be my friend anymore. Thanks

GreenfernPosted 16-01-2023 05:32 PM

Hey Kaylee04, 


Sorry to hear about the family situation, you've had it rougher than many.  😞


But I'm glad that you have some really close friends! I would definitely encourage you to try talking to them about this. While I can understand the fear of losing friendships, especially when they are close to you, I'd argue that if they don't want to hear about your real struggles, they are not truly close friends with you, so this would be a test of friendship in a way.


Nonetheless, it can be good to be careful about this and see if you can try sharing it to one of your close friends who is most likely to respond well. That way, the consequence can possibly be limited.


I'm interested to hear about how things go!


Kaylee04Posted 16-01-2023 07:12 PM

Yeh ok I might try that with my closet friend.

thanks I’ll let you know

Dem--ROPosted 15-01-2023 04:07 PM

Hey @Kaylee04,


I completely understand that it can be really scary opening up to people and worrying that they may judge you harshly. This is the great thing about being part of the Forums, you can talk openly with others and get support from the community 💕 If you think you would like to talk to someone, Kids Helpline are a really good resource for that, and if you're not comfortable talking over the phone, they have a webchat option as well 😊 If you haven't contacted a helpline before, this article gives a great overview of what to expect, and some more info can be found here

Kaylee04Posted 16-01-2023 07:13 PM

Thanks for acknowledging that. I'm 18 can I still use the helplines?

Taylor-ROPosted 16-01-2023 10:45 PM

Hi @Kaylee04


Good question. Yes, you sure can! Also just so you know, I have replied to your email now Smiley Happy 

Taylor-ROPosted 14-01-2023 10:22 AM

Hi @Kaylee04


Thanks for sharing and welcome to our forums. I'm sorry to hear that things are a bit much right now. Life duties can become overwhelming really quickly and it can be hard to figure out the details of all these important tasks. If you like, you can share more about what you're struggling with and we can brainstorm some ideas 😊 If you ever need someone to chat to, Lifeline is available 24/7 via telephone (13 11 14) or web chat


Just so you know, I've sent you through an email if you don't mind keeping an eye out for that. I've also edited your post to include a trigger warning to make the community aware that your post contains topics that might be triggering. 

Kaylee04Posted 15-01-2023 01:12 PM

They surely can!! Ok thanks. I did reply to that email I believe thanks. Ok thanks

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