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does anyone have experience with seasonal affective disorder?

heya everyone,


does anyone have experience with seasonal affective disorder or know of any good resources about it? i was diagnosed with atypical depression around a year and a half ago, ive been experiencing symptoms for 2 years. but now im wondering if it might be SAD. 


I've been feeling worse this past week, worse than usual and it got me thinking. my symptoms first started around this time in 2020. then it sorta got better by summer 2020-2021. then worse again around this time in 2021 and then better by august 2021. i had chalked it up to uni stress worsening how i was feeling since this is the time when assessment picks up but this year I'm not in uni and not much has changed since the start of the year so it's got me thinking.


annoyingly i just had an appointment with my psychiatrist last week. im going to talk to my therapist on Saturday about it and maybe move the next appointment with my psychiatrist earlier. until then i just wanted to hear from anyone else if they have SAD or any good resources. 


thanks for reading 💓

fishyiePosted 04-05-2022 06:14 PM


Courtney-ROPosted 04-05-2022 10:41 PM

Hi @fishyie thank you for being brave and sharing with us today!

I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling worse this past week, that sounds really awful. I do want to acknowledge though, just how huge it is that you've been able to recognise these patterns within yourself. That really is such a big deal and you should be really proud of yourself. Uni stress can definitely contribute to the way your feeling, however, it's hard to identify what is causing you to feel this way in an online setting. So I think its really great that you plan on talking to both your therapist and your psychiatrist about your thoughts on this as they will be able to provide a more detailed and personal assessment.

If you would like to have a bit of a read, BeyondBlue and Health Direct both have articles on SAD which might be worth having looking at. Both articlesalsooffer a numberof other resources that could also give you more of an understanding of SAD. 

Just remember that you're not alone and we're always here to support you 💜

fishyiePosted 07-05-2022 08:43 PM

hi @Courtney-RO thank you for responding! i ended up talking to my therapist and the moment i mentioned it happening every year at the same time she was like "your feelings might be seasonally affected" and i just felt so validated! she also gave me some advice about how now i know to be prepared when this time of year comes around which will be helpful.


and thank you for your resources, it was really helpful to read through them and get a better understanding of it! when the weekend is over i will give my psychiatrist a call and ask to move my appointment forwards to discuss this. 

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