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i dont know what to do about this addiction

hi, im 13 years old and nearly 14. I am currently in year 8 at an Australian school, I am currently addicted to vaping as I have been doing it for about a year now. I am also addicted to huffing deodorant I know that it sounds silly but it is actually a real addiction it makes me feel so good inside. My friends introduced me to huffing and I regret starting. a couple of weeks ago my mum found my vape in my room and I thought it was the end of the world, little did I know that a couple of weeks forward I would be in 10 x more trouble she found about 10 deodorant cans and a vape. They didn't even care as much for the vape as they did the deodorant my mum and dad are so angry and disappointed in me. i don't know what to do they said next time I get caught doing anything like this I am getting sent away, but I cant stop. please give me some advice because I feel like ending it all i know its silly but I have been struggling for a while and they cant see my calls for help.

Eggplant_Mouse123Posted 02-02-2023 09:41 AM


Bre-ROPosted 02-02-2023 01:05 PM

Hi @Eggplant_Mouse123 and thank you for being so open and honest with us. 


It sounds like life has been pretty tough for a while now, and I first want you to know that what you've shared isn't silly at all. You took a big step today to ask for help, and I'm happy you're here because nobody deserves to face addiction alone. 


Knowing what to do about addiction can feel like a huge mountain to climb, so doing what you've done today and letting people know what's happening is such an important thing to do. I hope you can take a moment to feel proud of yourself for that 💓


You mentioned feeling regret about taking up huffing, and I get the feeling that you're concerned about its impact on you. Is that right? 


I want to give you some information about huffing to look at in your own time. This page here talks about the risks and effects of inhaling substances. At the bottom of the page, there's a tool called path2help to help find you support services. 


You are not alone in your addiction struggles, and there are many ways to get support. One service you might be interested in is SMART recovery - they hold online and in-person meetings where you can talk to others going through similar struggles. Counselling Online is another great service that can support you - and of course, we are also here for you. 


Let us know what you think of that suggestion. Also, we've sent you an email, so when you have time to check that, please do. 

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