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Reasons why

1. frequent pattern over last few weeks is how I’ve had the occasional productive day and then feel so deflated for so many days after even though I did very few things

2. heard about mr orange taking over Palestine 

3. most times when I try to exercise and find a workout on YouTube I get distracted and spend hours working on unrelated things and feel guilty after (and no don’t tell me to be kinder to myself, tell my how to actively stop procrastinating while I’m procrastinating!

4. my favourite character in a video game franchise I’ve been getting into died (and yes, I know, stop looking at that if it makes me sad but firstly, I just listen to the gameplay while drawing, and secondly, the next part of the game is about solving how the character died and who killed them and I desperately want to know to have closure)

5. I feel like I’m just doing things to escape this crushing hopelessness about the world, my insecurity in my leadership abilities and how I’m still salty about an anti racism book being confiscated even though it’s been weeks.

‘Just get over it/stop looking at that stuff/why look at that/do that if it’s making me upset’ BECAUSE I PHYSICALLY CANT OK ITS MOT MY FAULT I GET DRAINED EASILY AND THE NEWS IS LEFT ON WHEN NO ONES HOME AND IM A SENSITIVE SNOWFLAKE.

AcidMonster55Posted 05-02-2025 07:37 PM


SteadyStepsPosted 11-02-2025 03:40 PM

Hi @AcidMonster55,


Thank you for being open about what you're experiencing with the ReachOut community. I can see there's a lot on your mind and it's understandable it can feel overwhelming processing all of this. Especially when some of these things are out of your control. However, I can hear you're doing your best to keep going, and that takes a lot of courage. 💙


Something that helps me when I'm feeling upset is to have conversations with others, such as a friend or family member I'm close to. I've also found that reaching out to a mental health professional can be helpful in navigating challenging thoughts or feelings that I hold in my mind. I'm wondering if this is something you would be open to doing?


As @Ripple_RO suggested, having strategies in place to take care of yourself can also be valuable. I find that the smallest of things can have a large impact on the days I'm not feeling well. For me this can range from going on a walk outside to reading a bit of my book. It's not an immediate fix but helps to calm or distract me in the moment. 


Sending you my best and please know that the ReachOut community is here to support you. 😊

Ripple_ROPosted 05-02-2025 08:45 PM

Hi @AcidMonster55 ,


Thank you for sharing how you’ve been feeling lately with the community. You’re not alone in feeling worried about the state of the world and it’s encouraging to see you share your concerns here. I can see you care a lot about the injustices happening around you. Sometimes when we’re just trying to survive the daily disturbing events, it can leave us feeling deflated and that’s completely normal. It sounds like you’re trying your best to be productive and look after your health with exercise. Feeling guilty is very normal and human under these circumstances and can be a good motivator when trying to figure out what the next best step is for you. 


I wondered if you’ve been able to talk to a mental health professional for support or strategies when you’re feeling overwhelmed? I’ve linked some resources that might be helpful when facing bad news in the world, I hope you find these useful: How to cope with bad world news, How to cope with distressing events and bad world news, How to cope when things feel out of your control

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