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Hello! I need some help in regards to cyberbullying. I am part of my school's Student Representative committee and we plan our school assemblies. My coordinators want to do a segment on cyberbullying and as I have joined ReachOut volunteers, I thought this would be a great way to promote our service! I do need some suggestions with what I should touch base on about cyberbullying. What should I bring up? All help would be appreciated Smiley Happy

Lyshy101pandaPosted 21-02-2020 08:11 PM


Tay100Posted 20-10-2020 11:43 AM

@Lyshy101panda it's great to see you are so involved in your school community and passionate about raising awareness about issues like cyberbullying. As @Andrea-RO  said, we can't really do promotion and whatnot, but best of luck for your committee's work- let us know how you go, and we hope to see you having more fun around the forums in the future!


Andrea-ROPosted 22-02-2020 03:09 PM

Hi @Lyshy101panda!

Welcome to the community. I think it's really great that you and school's Student Representative committee are looking to looking to get some input on cyberbullying. However, for the moment our forum has a strict rule against surveying or business promotion, so this request might not be appropriate for this community. You can find out more info here at our guidelines. 

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