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In need of some school advice?

I am currently in year 12, completing my HSC this year, however, due to the choice I made in year 11 of dropping Japanese cont. I am no longer eligible for an atar. Last year I found that I really struggled through school, and I don't believe that I picked the right subjects for me, or that I completed them to the best of my ability. My mother and I have been discussing the future, and how I haven't had a plan. We discussed that despite being in year 12 and completing my HSC, I should return to year 11 next year and complete another series of courses that will lead to an atar. I need to know if this is possible, or if I won't be able to. There have been three older students in my school over the years recently and they range from 30-50. I don't know if my principal will accept me as a repeat student. I don't know how to go about enrolling again, or who to talk to about it. Help me please!
GlistaPosted 17-02-2013 12:18 PM


GlistaPosted 20-02-2013 08:57 PM
I'll check it out thank you.
BeePosted 28-02-2013 01:48 PM
Hey Glista,

I'm in year 12 this year too! I dropped a subject at the end of last year when we started year12 work, which made me ill-eligable for an ATAR! I dropped it because I couldn't keep going with 6 subjects and the course was just too hard. I sit here now happy with my decision to drop it, I haven't really regretted it either. While I wont get an ATAR, there is so many other ways to uni! The ATAR only compares you against every other student in the start competeing for one, it's just a number.

When I was making my decision to drop the subject I did, the teacher I was talking it over with told me how she can't even remember her ATAR.
And just as Sagira said they didn't get an ATAR and still got into UNI.

You can still apply for Early entry without an ATAR, as I've recently discovered. And you can also do pathway courses at uni if you don't make it through to your desired course. These may be done at uni or TAFE, that I'm not 100% sure of just yet.

It is possible to repeat certain subjects next year that you failed this year. THere is this guy in my drama and English class, who didn't meet the requirements to pass those subjects (as he took part in a school musical) and is now repeating those 2 subjects at my school instead of his old one.
Also I have this guy in my Science class who was supposed to finish year 12 last year, but missed too much so he started with my year. He didn;t do Senior Science in year 11, but was able to pick it up for his year12 because the prelim stuff in senior science isn't tested upon in the HSC exams. There may be other subjects like this - though I'm not sure, it's best to check it out.

Also, you said you feel like you didn't work to the best of your ability last year, why try your best this year and see where it gets you?
_sagira_Posted 25-02-2013 09:36 AM
Like everyone has suggested, yes you can go back and do pathways.

Though honestly I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't get a UAI/ATAR when I was in high school. I did two tafe courses and then I decided I wanted to go to uni and that's what I'm doing now. You don't NEED an ATAR to go to uni. What do you want to do? I know you need to study a Diploma at Tafe to go into uni, so that's always an option instead of repeating. It's sort of like a head start in a way. Explore all your options.
GlistaPosted 20-02-2013 08:29 PM
My principal says I'm not eligible for re-enrolling and I must do a bridging course or Tafe to get my atar. But he can't stop me from re-enrolling can he?
LexPosted 20-02-2013 08:39 PM

@Glista wrote:
My principal says I'm not eligible for re-enrolling and I must do a bridging course or Tafe to get my atar. But he can't stop me from re-enrolling can he?

I think your best option to confirm what the actual rules are would be to give your state Department of Education a call. If you're in NSW, here's the website, which has contact info.


That will let you confirm for sure what the rules are and you can find out whether it might be something that the principal gets to decide on a case-by-case basis.



BirdeyePosted 17-02-2013 03:26 PM

Hi Glista,

I'm in Victoria, so I'm not sure of exactly what qualifies you for an ATAR in NSW, here it's just about the amount of subjects you take/pass in. If it's the same thing up there then you can probably speak to someone right now and get yourself figured out so you can have the needed amount after an extra year.

I know a couple of people who were given the option of having year 11, an in between year with both yr 11 and 12 subjects and then a year 12 year. Something like that may be possible so you'd be able to have your ATAR after the end of next year instead of having to wait a year longer.

It's also still quite early in the year, if you're determined on restarting yr.11 it could be worth seeing if you could immediately begin again this year instead.

While I don't know your exact options I do know you have options, whether the school re-enrols you or you end up doing stuff through tafe is up to the school(s), so you really need to go and speak to them about your options.
Don't let what your principal said to the other student discourage you, there may be more to that situation than you know or there may be differences your worry is overlooking.

I think you should begin with a pathways/course/career counsellor person at your school or go speak to a year level or sub school (or whatever your school has) co-ordinator as they would know your options as well.

GlistaPosted 17-02-2013 12:45 PM
And at the moment I am currently studying beauty at Tafe and hospitality at school. I was wondering if it would be possible to pick certain subjects to redo.
graphiqualPosted 17-02-2013 01:54 PM
I know a couple of people from my school who did Pathways, basically it means they're doing their HSC over two years. I think you should definitely talk to your year advisor/deputy about it, they'll be able to give you more info on what you should do. There should be no reason why your principal wouldn't let you re-enrol, if there's any problems with that, get your parents to talk to your principal, especially as you do have a legit reason to want to do pathways.
GlistaPosted 17-02-2013 12:43 PM
My principal told one of the other people in my year that if he was eighteen that he wouldn't let him enrol at my school. I want to know though if it is possible for me to stay at school and redo years 11 & 12 at my school. I love the school community and it is a big part of the reason I would like to redo my courses.
ShadowPosted 17-02-2013 12:37 PM

Yes, it's possible, The program's called Pathways. I'm curious: why wouldn't they allow you to repeat? Legally, you can take 5 years to do the HSC. There's the option of going to Tafe and doing Yr 12 if that suits you or doing a VET course while still at school. I'd see you school's learning support dept or the curriculum coordinator as they'd have more info. Another good person to talk to isyour careers advisor.


There's a stack of paperwork to fill out, but the curriculum coordinator can help you with that.


Good luck! 🙂 


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