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Hi everyone!

Hope you are all doing okay, (well at least hanging in there)


Right now I am in isolation with corona virus and totally am missing the general public funk. Just out of curiosity, who else is out there stuck in the personal bubble of Covid. Can I please have a general show of hands? 👋 

Or if ya in Melbourne / Victoria, feel free to show some 💚

Thanks everyone! How do you cope, living with corona? Would love some ideas

Covid in all states = 👋

Covid in melbs or Vic = 💚

RiskybuizPosted 14-03-2022 02:49 PM


November13Posted 27-03-2022 11:03 PM

I’m not allowed to raise my hand here but just wanted to jump in to wish everyone a speedy recovery 🤗 Hope iso goes well for you guys!

AnzelmoPosted 27-03-2022 02:50 PM

HI @Riskybuiz👋


I recovered from COVID a few months ago after being in isolation for 4 weeks total I think. I kept my sanity and social connection by being on discord with my GF and sometimes my friends. We would study together at our homes even when were doing our own things, then watch shows or play games together.


Alternatively, I also enjoyed my time and took up reading some books and sitting by the window with a nice cup of coffee. 


How have you been holding up?

Soph_2001Posted 23-03-2022 10:54 PM

Hi @Riskybuiz I hope you are on the road of recovery! 🤞 I recently had covid and experienced the worst of it 😅


Some of the ways I coped while having covid was by reading books, practising doing different makeup looks, watching a lot of new movies and tv series, and spending time in my backyard for some fresh air! 


Like @xXLexi_Lou122Xx mentioned, keeping in contact with family and friends is super important! I facetimed some of my friends during isolation and this definitely enhanced my mental health. 


I hope you get well soon! 😊

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 22-03-2022 08:26 AM

Hey @Riskybuiz I haven't got Covid anymore, but I did have it, along with the rest of my family. I am in QLD 🙂 👋


That question depends on what you mean... Do you mean like coping with being in isolation? or just dealing with the whole pandemic in general?

I honestly Just ignore it, even though it's running rampant through my church and school, but only because there's no other way for me to really cope. If you mean the first question, I was certainly stir-crazy! It was kinda just a lot of watching tv and helping my family out while they had it. I was only a very mild case, i didn't even need to take cold meds! 


In general some good coping methods while isolating, definitely call or text your friends! I know I did, and if I didn't, I honestly don't know where my mental health would have been... I also did some paintings for my small business, so that kept me entertained for a few days too. 

Hope this helps, and Get better soon!!!!🥰

Philippa-ROPosted 22-03-2022 05:26 PM

@Riskybuiz how are you doing now? I really hope your recovery from COVID was smooth. 💛

Iso is so tough - I really feel for anyone who's going through it. 

When I had COVID, I basically binge watched my favourite shows, took a lot of nice warm baths, listened to music, or slept when I wasn't feeling too great.
I think the main thing for me was just trying to be kind to myself and accept I was sick - so letting myself do whatever I needed without judging myself. 

How did you go with the isolation Riskybuiz? Did you find some things that helped that you might be able to share for other people going through it?


@xXLexi_Lou122Xx I definitely don't think you're alone in deciding to ignore COVID now - I've heard a lot of people lately saying things like "I'm just over it tbh". I think there's only so long we can all live with the pandemic at the front of our thoughts and it's completely understandable if people need to make a choice to think about other things. 

I love your tips for iso - it's so helpful that you had friends and paintings to keep you busy. 😃

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