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Study Stress? Create a profile to cope!

Study Stress Profiles

We are continuing on this month’s theme of study stress with a new activity: creating your Study Stress Profile! 


The last few months of the year can be a busy time for high school and uni students. With exams and assessments picking up in the coming months, our community holds a lot of knowledge about coping with study stress! 


This activity will involve creating your study stress profile; a tool for how you cope with study in stressful times of the term/semester/trimester!


Let's make a study stress profile!


Pick a gif that represents your relationship with study at the moment

Tell us a little bit about your studies


What do you enjoy about your studies?


What are the signs that you are stressed from studying/experiencing study stress?


What are your top study stress busters/coping strategies?


Set a goal for managing study stress!



Want to talk to other students? We have a discussion for high school students here, and university students here!

Jess1-ROPosted 17-09-2019 02:41 PM


statuscaringPosted 18-09-2019 05:16 PM


Tell us a little bit about your studies

I am studying for a Bachelor in Counselling. I am currently in my second out of 3 years of the degree and I am really enjoying it! I've learned so much about other people, why and how others think and even more about myself and how I relate to others. My perception and understanding on mental health and how to relate to others has increased so much. 

What do you enjoy about your studies?

I enjoy learning about different theorists and different counseling modalities. I also enjoy the social aspect, meeting like-minded individuals and creating great friendships. 

What are the signs that you are stressed from studying/experiencing study stress?

I get very teary. Easily upset and talk non-stop about assignments because I can't switch off my brain about what is stressing me. 

What are your top study stress busters/coping strategies?

Going outside



Seeing a friend for a walk

Talking things out with my partner

Set a goal for managing study stress!

My goal for this trimester is to prioritize self-care.  Know that I can not spread myself so thin and please everyone, do everything and still expect to achieve the marks of my (very high) standards. Self-care, self-care, self-care!!!!

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