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The Gift of Gratitude.

Hi everyone

I hope that you are feeling good or perhaps on the road to feeling good. 


I understand that we all struggle sometimes (some more often than others, which is okay!) and we tend to focus more on the negative emotions and thoughts. Because of this, it can be hard to find something in our lives to be grateful for. Being grateful can help us feel better about our struggles and remind us of all the good things in our lives. Gratitude can be something as small as an ant, or as big as the moon, there are no limits


Therefore, I would love for you to tell me at least 1 thing you are grateful for. You are welcome to write as many things as you are grateful for today. 


Today I am grateful for the sun and my dog. (Your Turn!)

Love_and_LightPosted 14-07-2023 01:06 PM


Sherbert_MagpiePosted 01-11-2023 06:05 PM

I'm gratitude for my guinea pigs 

elkamarina04Posted 31-10-2023 05:04 PM

Today I am grateful for my current good health (I was very sick for the first 6 months of the year) and for the bright sun that is arriving in time for summer! 

Indigo_bluePosted 13-09-2023 08:49 AM

today i am grateful for my dog

Love_and_LightPosted 16-09-2023 09:25 AM

Hi @Indigo_blue

Thank you for responding to the post. I hope you've had a good week so far. It's good to hear that you're grateful for your dog. Animals are the biggest blessings, we are so lucky to have them in our lives. 


Sending you love and light! 

AcidMonster55Posted 08-09-2023 02:52 PM

Ummmm I'm grateful I have the ability to draw (seems like the only thing I'm confident in)

Love_and_LightPosted 08-09-2023 04:15 PM

Hi @AcidMonster55

Thanks for responding to the post. It takes lots of skill and talent to be able to draw and it shows that you're creative! I hope you find confidence within yourself to explore more skills and talents. 


Sending you love and light!

ayrc_1904Posted 03-09-2023 03:19 PM

I'm grateful for a loving family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧, a caring partner 👨, the beginning of spring 🌻🌷, yummy food that energises my body 🍔🍱, the opportunity to learn 📚, a nice warm bed 🛏, the ocean 🌊, and blue skies🌞

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 12:09 PM

Hi @ayrc_1904

Thanks for responding to the post! It's great to see all the things that you're feeling grateful for. We often get so consumed in our day-to-day life that we don't acknowledge all the small things like the season, opportunities, your bed etc., so it's nice to see. 


Sending you love and light! 

sunset_huesPosted 02-09-2023 11:14 PM

I'm grateful for the beginning of spring, some damn good ramen and the thought of all the art/fiction out there to enjoy and be inspired by. 

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 12:05 PM

Hi @sunset_hues

Thanks for your response! We love spring weather hey, not too cold and not too hot. It's the perfect balance. It sounds like you've found some banging ramen! Also, there are so many different forms of art in our world, and it is truly amazing and inspiring as you mentioned! 


Sending you love and light! 

OnionPosted 02-09-2023 05:34 PM

Hi @Love_and_Light ! Thank you for this awesome post!! 💖


I'm grateful for my family and friends who are always there to support me whenever I'm feeling down. I'm also grateful for the body that I was given that allows me to enjoy nature! 

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 12:02 PM

Hi @Onion

Thanks for your response! It's great to hear that your family and friends are always there to provide support. I love that you're grateful for your body as we are so blessed to be breathing and able to experience life/ the world around us. 


Sending you love and light. 

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 02-09-2023 03:08 PM

I am grateful for the people in my life. Such a great exercise!

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 11:58 AM

Hi @Lapis_Anteater

Thanks for responding to the post. The people we surround ourselves with contribute so much to our lives in various ways. They provide us with support, reassurance, and some criticism but it helps us grow and learn!


Sending you love and light! 

loonaPosted 02-09-2023 02:59 PM

I'm grateful to have a best friend whom I love. ❤️

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 11:54 AM

Hi @loona

Thanks for responding to the post. Having friends is one thing, but having a best friend just hits differently hey! Your best friend is so lucky to have you in their life. 


Sending you love and light. 

stargirlmazPosted 01-09-2023 07:34 PM

I am grateful to have lovely family and friends around me! Love this post x

Love_and_LightPosted 04-09-2023 11:51 AM

Hi @stargirlmaz

Thanks for responding to the post. It sounds like you have a great support system and are surrounded by so much love. I love that for you! 


Sending you more love and light! 

BlueberriesPosted 01-09-2023 04:38 PM

This is such an amazing post @Love_and_Light !


Today, I’m grateful for the job opportunity that I’ve received via email today from an autistic-friendly program (the program is aimed for individuals with ASD that helps provide them employment). Submitted an application and waiting to hear back from them in 2 weeks time so now I can’t wait to attend the ‘Discovery Day’ which will be on either this month or next month, and then do paid internships after that and etc.


I’m so glad that I came across this program back in March and have shown interest in it. I actually got an email from them a few days ago asking if I was still interested as they now have a job opportunity to offer for us participants that have expressed interest in the program 😊

Love_and_LightPosted 01-09-2023 04:54 PM

Hi @Blueberries

Congratulations! That sounds like a fantastic opportunity, you should be so proud of yourself for showing interest and receiving the job opportunity. It is so rewarding to be able to help others, especially as a job because it won't feel like work, it will feel like a natural process of helping others. I hope it all works out for you! 


Sending you love and light. 



Love_and_LightPosted 01-09-2023 04:20 PM

Today I am grateful for the weather, the opportunities I have received recently, and for achieving small steps towards big goals. 

Blueberry_KuduPosted 14-07-2023 03:38 PM

This post is such a good reminder to reflect on the things we are grateful for, as it can be easy to forget sometimes. Some of the things I am most grateful for today are my family and friends, and a new pet puppy I recently got 😁 

Love_and_LightPosted 14-07-2023 03:45 PM


Thanks for your response. I am interested to know more about your puppy! What breed is it? 

Blueberry_KuduPosted 14-07-2023 04:06 PM

He's a Maltese Shih Tzu, he's very cute and full of energy haha, what breed is your dog?

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