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mental health has been deteriorating lately.

hey guys! the demons may win some battles and some episodes. but God has won the war. if the devil and God are both fighting for you, that should tell you that you are pretty darn special precious and unique. you're loved! im praying . you are made with a certain individuality. i hope you never stray from that fact. love you all. you guys are the best! your atar or score does NOT define you,it is so okay to take mental health days. im taking tomorrow off. its all getting to much. its okay to put your hand up and say you're struggling. God is always with you. you are never truly alone. John 16:33. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. in this world you will have tribulation. but know this, i, the LORD,have overcome the world.

phoebelinnnnnPosted 16-06-2022 10:00 PM


AnzelmoPosted 19-06-2022 11:08 AM

Hi @phoebelinnnnn

Hope you are well! Thanks for sharing these words of affirmation and encouragement. I hope this reaches the people that need it and can lift up their hope and motivation. Sometimes things can get very difficult and dark and we have to remind ourselves that there is always good in the world and to have faith in the good.


I'm also wondering how you have been doing? Hope you are safe and going well, if not feel free to share what's been going on in your life! 💙

Jacqueline-ROPosted 17-06-2022 12:01 AM

Hi @phoebelinnnnn

Thank you for sending out warm affirmations to our community. I am sorry to hear that its all getting too much for you at the moment but glad to hear that you are taking a day off. It sounds much needed! What do you think you'll do? Some things that I do when I need to look after my mental health is to spend time outside, talk to a friend, watch a movie or go get a massage.


Sometimes life can be a bit overwhelming and we all just need to pause and reset in order to keep going. Im just wondering if you have anyone to talk to about what you're going through? Im glad that you've reach out and I want you to know that we are here for you. 

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