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Weekly Wellbeing: Articles, articles, articles

First off, yes "articles, articles, articles" is from that Billie Eilish song but I was struggling to come up with a title!


Image result for billie eilish gif therefore i am


Anyway, so today I was browsing through some articles on the ReachOut website and there are just so many! And it's not just RO, there are so many informative articles out there about coping with various issues that young people face.


I thought it would be cool to share some articles, infographics, or other media about anything wellbeing related. Especially ones you found interesting, or that have taught you new ways to cope with a particular situation!Image result for gif studying pusheen

So here's the challenge:

  • Find an article, infographic, or other type of media about wellbeing or coping that you've found helpful. Share it with us! (It can be from anywhere, not just ReachOut, but make sure it aligns with our community guidelines)
  • Tell us what's you like about it and what you'll take away from it

--- Some notes ---

-Links should be from trusted and reputable websites and shouldn't be promoting/advertising anything or giving unwanted advice

-Make sure you share things in a safe way for the community that will be accessible and easy to understand (research articles probably won't be so helpful)



I'll go first!

I found this infographic quite cool as it's got creative ways to practice breathing exercises which I find helpful for anxiety sometimes. I liked it because it's simple and easy to understand but also creative. The milkshake breathing is definitely something I will try! 🙂


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 10-02-2021 11:24 PM


A_FriendPosted 11-02-2021 09:41 PM

I liked these relaxation techniques pdf because it highlights that are applicable within most situations and rating of them out of 10 to decide what works best for each individual.

relaxationtechniques.pdf (


I liked this fact sheet because it gives an explanation about stress and its impact with coping techniques.

3-stress-and-its-impact-on-you.pdf (


I liked this exercise planning and fact sheet because exercise can be important as it releases many good hormones into the body when it is done. And as emphasised can be good for mental health and depression. 

6-managingdepressionwithexercise.pdf (

hungincPosted 11-02-2021 08:23 AM

I couldn't find an infographic that I liked, but I think this will do 



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