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Weekly Wellbeing: Get crafting!

Whether your stuck in lockdown, or bored at home, crafting is a great way to pass the time. For this week's wellbeing activity, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to make something with materials lying around at home! The point is, you shouldn't have to go out and buy anything, so you might have to get creative 🙂This means you don't have to leave the house (which is good if you're in lockdown!), you can recycle some things lying around, and you don't have to spend any money!



The only limit is your imagination 😛 It might be helpful to look online for some inspiration!


Some ideas for you

- Try your luck at some oragami by using some paper lying around and following a youtube tutorial 🙂

- Draw something- use pens/pencils/etc you've been meaning to try out or what you can find lying around the house

- Perhaps you have some old materials that you could use to hand/machine sew something

- If you already have the materials, you could knit or crotchet something

- Create your own play dough using materials from the kitchen and make a sculpture or just use it to fidget!

- Give book binding a go! You just need some hand sewing materials, paper, a ruler and a pencil! It's a lot of fun, I have tried this before! I think I used this tutorial. It says you need wax thread but I just used regular thread and doubled it over.

- @Eden1717 shared a wonderful idea of making a board game out of cereal boxes


If you like, you can share with us what you make, or any cool crafting ideas you have for us to try! Pictures of your craft, as long as they are in line with the guidelines, are welcome! 😄

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 22-08-2021 12:48 AM


WheresMySquishyPosted 17-09-2021 11:40 AM

I love this Weekly Wellbeing! I really like papercrafting and scrapbooking in particular. At the moment, I'm waiting on some orders of things to decorate my planners with but some of it is delayed.

In the past I've made stuff like DIY cards, pockets, calendars, pages, covers and other decorations.

I'd really like to learn how to make some DIY stickers in the future because my sister has made them before and would love to make some more.

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