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Weekly Wellbeing: Overcoming Obstacles

Hey everyone!

This wellbeing activity is about planning for when things don't go our way.

We've all been in situations where we've come so close to accomplish a goal. You're so ready to GET IT DONE!

Life gets in the way. And suddenly that goal seems totally out of reach.


I have trouble with making goals and plans for this reason. I haven't made new year's resolutions in years. A part of me doesn't want to be disappointed when things don't turn out the way I expected them to.


Obviously we can't plan for every possibility, but we can try to think about some foreseeable challenges that might get in the way of our achievements. And we can think of some ways that we can work around them or adapt the steps we need to accomplish our goals in light of these possibilities. For the psychology nerds of our community, this is known as coping planning.

So for this week's activity:
1. Outline some steps you need to achieve a goal. It could be anything, big or small!
2. List some possible challenges or barriers to achieving this goal.
3. List some strategies you can use to overcome these potential issues.
Looking forward to reading everyone's responses!

WheresMySquishyPosted 02-08-2021 06:00 PM


Not applicable

OnionPosted 28-08-2021 05:47 PM

This is a bit of a late post but since I've recently started my uni term break, I've been trying to get more into crafting. Specifically, I hope to finish a diorama by the end of the break.


1. Outline some steps you need to achieve a goal. It could be anything, big or small!

- Make a sketch on the layout of the diorama as well as its dimensions (already done this!! 🥳)

- prepare the materials by cutting them down to size and sanding them

- paint the pieces of the diorama

- assemble!


2. List some possible challenges or barriers to achieving this goal.

- my own laziness 😅

- my other craft ideas

- potential mistakes along the way that may discourage me

3. List some strategies you can use to overcome these potential issues.

- focus on one small goal each day

- see mistakes as another opportunity to learn e.g. I was able to re-use a mistake from earlier this year 💪

- take breaks to stretch: sometimes even hobbies can lose their fun-ness 🤔 and become overwhelming if you forget to refresh your mind

Emily-ROPosted 01-09-2021 10:14 AM

This is amazing @Onion ! 😊 What type of diorama are you making? I've only ever made one and it was of the beach! I got sand everywhere trying to make it hahaha


OnionPosted 08-09-2021 02:28 PM

Hey @Emily-RO! I'm making one of a Japanese style room so that I can display my nendoroids (figurines) in.


Sorta like this...

Traditional Japanese-style tatami rooms


but not as elaborate 😆

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 03:12 PM

Oh my gosh that looks amazing!! Please feel free to post update pics on the forums! 


OnionPosted 09-09-2021 10:58 PM

Thank you!! I may post a pic 😆

Emily-ROPosted 10-09-2021 12:07 PM

Please do! I love love love that aesthetic 😊

Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 12:38 PM

I love this activity! 😄 I'll start with a small-ish goal: Being a tiiiiiiny bit more active! I've been struggling with this a lot during lockdown, so I think this activity could really help!


1. Outline some steps you need to achieve the goal. It could be anything, big or small!

  • Going for walks: walking my puppy at least once a day
  • Taking breaks from work: stepping away from my computer and stretching or just walking around my room a few times a day

2. List some possible challenges or barriers to achieving this goal.

  • Motivation: I find it hard to stay motivated sometimes and can be inconsistent with my goals. I often want immediate improvement and if I don't get it, it's hard to keep going 😔
  • Forgetfulness: Sometimes I can just forget to do something haha! This is a goal I want to do consistently and honestly I might forget it entirely haha 😂

3. List some strategies you can use to overcome these potential issues.

  • Starting small: I find it hard to tackle big tasks, so I think making it into tiny bits would be great! I might try to go for a 5-10 minute walk each day.
  • Staying positive: Acknowledging that small progress is still progress! I can be quite hard on myself and want to get better immediately, but I think things take time. It's little consistent bits that add up!
  • Doing it with friends: I find it hard to stay accountable to myself, so I think if I get my friends to do it with me, it'll be more fun, I'll be less likely to forget, and I'll also be more motivated!


@WheresMySquishy Do you have a goal that you're working on?

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