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planning a trip

i've been posting about this in numerous threads but i think it makes sense to just make one for it. 

I'm planning to go to Northern Territory to visit where my family live and are from. I think this will be a good experience for me to connect to my indigenous culture. 

Except it is going to cost me around $800 minimum just for flights, not including accomodation near the airport because of flight times, paying for costs to where I want to go which is about 3 hours from Alice Springs, anything extra I need to buy and other expenses that might come up. 

I'm struggling to have enough money for this trip. 

@Ngaio-RO suggested either Go Fund Me or Kickstarter, does anybody have any other tips or ideas for how I can do this?

//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
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