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Such a great idea for a thread @N1ghtW1ng .
This is something everyone can relate to - motivation is such a difficult thing to maintain, and to even get a good understanding of! 


I can totally relate to you on the "rewards" idea not really working. 
Something that has helped me is to think about motivation being the product of action - rather than the other way around. 

So the idea that taking action leads to motivation, rather than motivation leading to action. This has really changed the way I see tasks - instead of waiting for the motivation to kick in and get me started, I disengage my brain and just get started, and then find that the motivation picks up later. Sometimes starting with something really small and achievable can kick start motivation for something bigger. 

Breaking things down into small easy bits - eg if starting an assessment, starting with the headings where I put my name and subject name etc - this can help with moving on to the real essay writing! 


Nike has something right.. just do it... it's the only way sometimes!


Also this: 


Keen to hear everyone else's thoughts! 

I'm leaving ReachOut on the 5th of June 😞 Say goodbye here
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