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GR: Motivation and Study, Monday 26th Aug, 7:30 p.m. AEST

Hey everyone!


This upcoming Monday we have a GR surrounding Study and Motivation


legally blonde college GIF


For those of us studying (and those of us not!) two big things that can really throw a spanner in the works are a lack of motivation and procrastination 😞

procrastination GIF


Even when the work starts piling up, it can be hard to get started sometimes! And this doesn't just apply to school work, but also professional work and the stuff we need to get done in our day-to-day lives!

share discover GIF
It can be really frustrating, and often we can be pretty hard on ourselves when we're stuck in this kind of rut


lazy day fail GIF


So what we'll be doing to combat this is hosting a live Getting Real session on Monday the 26th of August at 7:30 p.m. AEST on the topic of how we can beat procrastination and build motivation!


Hope to see you all there 😄 Heart


As an aside, how motivating is that study montage in legally blonde? Smiley LOL


We had a live chat on Accessing Mental Health Support Online! 😄 Check it out here! Heart
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