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@TawnyOwl totally get what you mean about sitting. 

I'm not sure if that's FND though or if it's because my hypermobile body struggles with holding itself up. 


My FND does that when my mental health goes downhill too..

Because there's nothing to help with depression like being unable to walk apparently.


Ha, I think the opposite, chronic fatigue sounds terrible..


Beaches are nice, but I can only really go comfortably on ones that are really rocky or have paths.

On soft sand my cane sinks and my knees bend in weird directions.


I don't have Netflix, so I'm just watching  air crash investigations on 7plus.


And it is!

My doctor said I shouldn't get one because "people would see you as disabled". I said so what and found the most sparkly one I could. 

Honestly it was worth just seeing his fave when I walked in with it.

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