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@Symphony7  Thanks for the kind words!
I think it's a good idea to mention the units that you've completed on your resume. 🙂 I think your other ideas are great too. It's amazing how much I didn't know about my own city when I was in high school! Atlas Obscura is a good website for finding cool places to visit near you.
I studied a four-year psychology degree with an honours component. Yep, I still volunteer at the nursing home and went there again yesterday! It was fun because I got to help out with trivia.
Most of my volunteer work has been related to psychology or mental health in some way. For example, at the nursing home I volunteer at, I often help with the lifestyle activities and provide emotional support to the residents. The one I go to is not taking any new volunteers, but volunteering with those kinds of places could be a good idea if you're interested in self-wellness. Here is a document showing the kinds of activities I've helped run and how they can improve wellbeing.
I've found some new online mental health-based volunteer work to do to increase my skills during the pandemic. I've received payment for doing some things but I'd like to have a more regular source of income. Unfortunately, I think due to the whole COVID-19 situation, people I've interviewed with or been in contact with regarding potential roles are taking a long time to get back to me.

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