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Dear body,

Get some damn sleep! I need to be able to function properly throughout the day, and you deciding to get poor sleep, is only making things worse. Please, just get some normal sleep. Maybe then, students and teachers won't worry about me... Especially after having 3 episodes over 3 consecutive days, and then a meltdown the next day.

Exhaustion, high emotional/work stress levels, and health problems do not mix, and never will. The sooner you get some better sleep, the sooner you won't embarrass yourself in front of everyone, and you'll put in better work for your assessments.

Sincerely, your frustrated self.

Dear teachers,

Why can't you check-in with me, to see if I'm okay? I thought that teachers are supposed to do that, even if its just to see if I understand the work. I don't care if you ask if I'm okay mentally/emotionally, but I struggle with the workload so much! I wake up at 5am, every school day, just to get ready for school. Then at 7:10am, I leave to catch the train to school. I get to school much earlier than everyone else, but it still doesn't help the fact that I am stressed out, far too much, and that I probably need help to get assessments done.

I have never gotten an assignment in, on the due date. Not for any assignment, whatsoever.

Please, just check-in with me, and see if I need any help with either understanding the work, or getting it completed on time. Because I know, that I never ask for help. Not unless I am so desperate that I'm losing time and marks. And even then, I tend to not ask for help when I should. You all should know this by now, and it hurts me to know that I could be getting more marks/better grades, if only you would ask me if I understand or if I need any help completing something on time.

A very sad, stressed, depressed, tired, and frustrated student.
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