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@Lost_Space_Explorer5 chronic pain sucks...


My hydrotherapy has stopped because of the covid cases in WA so I've been getting much worse pain too, plus I managed to injure my back giving my dog a bath.


I think that with chronic pain, progress is never linear like when dealing with an acute injury.

Like feeling like you're back at square one sucks... but, it means that you have gotten past square one, and you can do it again. Flare ups are horrible, but they're temporary.

The shame around chronic pain sucks as well... it took me a long time to feel comfortable letting people know how bad my pain is. Smiley Sad



Does heat help for you at all? When I get cold everything gets way worse for me.

Heat packs/ electric blankets are ideal, but if I don't have the energy I'll just drag myself in front of the heater.

On the exact opposite note, if your pain involves swelling/ inflammation ice/ cold packs can give you some relief.

I'd also suggest a hot bath, since tight muscles don't help with pain at all, and anything that can loosen them up can be helpful.

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