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Thinking about transitioning to non-binary.

Hello. I know it's been a hot minute since I was last here. This is actually my first time here all year. I can't say I'm all better, I still have a lot to handle in my head every day and it's still frustrating, but I think I'm on an upwards trajectory. Things are hopefully beginning to look up for me, I've been getting back out into the outside world more this year, I'm looking at getting my first real job and I've found a weekly meetup group in the city that's been going well for me so far.

What I'm here to talk about today is that these past few days, I've been thinking more about whether it would be a good decision for me to start identifying as non-binary after identifying as male for 22 years. I know that just about anyone pro-LGBT will support me in that, but it's a big decision for me to make and I've only really given it serious thought for the last few days. First of all, I don't know how I would go about it; I don't think I would take hormone replacements or anything, just start using the pronouns they/them for myself and maybe wearing clothes and having other things that are a bit more girly, but still mostly androgynous. I just wonder what kind of steps I would need to take in order to make it "official", and then I'd have to tell everyone I know about my new identity too. Second, I need to really think about the reasons why I would want to be enby. I think it's mainly because in the past few years I've started to like more girly things now that it's become more normalized for guys to be into that stuff, but I think I'm still worried about feeling the need to maintain a 'masculine' image. Secondly, I tend to like hanging out with women more than men; my favourite characters in fictional works almost always tend to be female, and in video games I even tend to make my avatar female if I have the option. Not to mention I would also love to be part of the LGBT community in a way as I have a very positive view of the community and have been more into supporting them in past years as well. Can someone please help me decide if this is the right thing for me to do?

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