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@Bento I'm so glad that things are starting to look up for you.


Transitioning is a confusing thing, and there are no rules, especially when you're transitioning to non-binary.

Sometimes, it involves big stuff like hormones or surgery or legal sex changes.

Sometimes, it can just be new pronouns or a new haircut.


There's no real way to make it "official", unless you're looking at getting legal recognition.

Some people start off by telling someone they trust, others start experimenting with clothes or make-up in private. You can go about it however you want, as fast or slow as you want. You can try things and see if they feel right, and if they don't then you don't have to keep them.


The first things that I changed when I started to transition were my name and the pronouns I use, but honestly you can start wherever you want.

I's suggest you try some simple changes like clothes and pronouns, and see how things go from there.


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