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I know why your brain is making you feel like a bad influence @Lost_Space_Explorer5.. though honestly you do a really great job at being a moderator.. and you are also a human with feelings (ugh I know right). Being a mod doesn't exclude you from seeking support ❤️ even psychologists and stuff have their own support system too. 


You don't have to seem happy if you aren't, especially here. I know a lot of people care about you on the forums. And I mean genuinely care... not that kind of answer you give when a random person says 'Hi how are you' and the automatic response is 'yeah I am good thanks' even if your life is in shambles.


I am sorry that you were thinking of not coming back and doing something today. I wish we could take away that pain for you. What you have said about procrastination is not uncommon.. and it is okay to remain undecided. There could be many reasons why you procrastinate but it can sometimes be overwhelming to try and find the one that 'fits'. It is okay to just acknowledge that right now you are not 100% sure about giving up even though you want to. 

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