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hey @Tiny_leaf


that sounds awful! im sorry your family does that to your artworks. Do you have a gandparents house or other family member that you trust that would allow you to spend some time each day to work on it?  


my family dont really appreciate my artworks either.  they all requested personalised pieces a while ago and so i made them each one however after a few months i found out they were either given to a chairty or were thrown in the bin. so i dont make them anything anymore. 


i know the arts being somewhere else may be quite tough though but maybe it would be worth it even for a little while? its so disheartneing and upsetting when artworks get destroyed esp when theyve already taken hours to do. or could you have a dedicated art cabinet in your bedroom? you could put art supplies and works in progress in there and  even lock it so theres no excuse for them to throw it out etc?



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