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What are some things that you can control?

I can control my routine, celebrating special days, getting work done, trying to be present, and my work from home environment. I like to write to do lists and tick things off as I go, and try to get started instead of trying to get things done well. I also make my work station as comfortable as I can!


What are some things that you can't control?

Case numbers, how long restrictions will last, and how people will react to my work 😋


Can you think of some examples of things that are both within your control and shaped by factors that you can't help?

My sleep schedule 😬 I can try to avoid caffeine and go to bed on time but sometimes my body just wants to stay awake a bit later.

Also my mood and energy levels. I can do what I can to make myself feel happy, but things happen and people get tired oh well

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