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Hey @Lime_Walrus thanks for sharing a little bit about what's been going on and for reaaching out. It sounds like a really stressful situation. I can hear how much your friend matters to you and how much of a good friend you are to them ❤️ Reaching out to KHL to figure out how best to help them and now reaching out on here again really shows that ❤️ At the end of the day, there is only so much you can do. You can be there for your friend but they have to be the one to respond 😞 Worrying that your friend might be considering suicide- that must be so so stressful 😞 I'm really sorry you're going through this


The most important thing- I think- is looking out for you during all of this... Self-care and boundaries are so, so important. It sounds like you're doing everything you can do and more for your friend right now. Your friend wouldn't want you to be so stressed about them. I have been in the opposite position where I was like your friend and my friend was panicking every day because they didn't know if I was safe. I never wanted them to feel so worried 😞 And I didn't even know they were so stressed cause they didn't tell me...


It's like the oxygen mask analogy, you have to put the mask on yourself first before helping others get their masks on, right? 🙂


What do you think?


Sorry I couldn't offer much more advice on helping your friend, but it does sound like you've done everything you can do and like you're a really caring, thoughtful person ❤️

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