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1. Dance parties early this morning because Cool as Hell by baker boy is our oldest small humans favourite song at the minute (and mine) and we have to put the YouTube video on the tv because he likes the dancing hahah


2. this isn't a really good positive but it could be, I had to be covid tested today as I have a really sore throat, the tester said I could hear back tomorrow morning so that was a lot quicker than I was thinking


3. The Olympic gymnastics was also on our tv today (in between the baker boy dance parties) which also came with gymnastic "performances" copied straight from the tv 

🤯 I feel this is a daily thing in our house without the Olympics upping the anti a bit and iust completely transforming the climbing and jumping activity to full blown out of control 


We live in a an extremely small house that has been taken over by a performing child, a lounge room cubby and too much of the same song on repeat, we really need to get out of this lockdown can someone please come and save us 

I'll pay 



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