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Hi again @aria_hymn


Sorry for dissapearing, there was a bit of drama over the weekend - it's all sorted now though.


I'm really glad that you've got people who try to intervene.



Not being allowed to have meltdowns sounds really hard...

I was diagnosed late so everyone thought I was just throwing a tantrum when I melted down, and it did not go well for me either.

Anyway, I don't know if your OT has spoken to you about this, but have you identifed the sort of situations that cause a meltdown?

And have you found any ways to coe with those situations so that you don't have to?


Also, I noticed that your siblings seem to use your autism a lot in their insults and in a really negative light.

And I've sort of been wondering how that's affected your relationship with being autistic. Is that anything you'd like to talk about?

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