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Hi there @Charlie-29-1999


Oh, your stretch marks sound like mine! You're defiinitely not alone in having stretch marks like that. A lot of my weight goes to my stomach as well, your whole description reminds me of me.


I gained weight in a similar way to you, and I can't change that because diets aren't safe for me. And it really is a big adjustment.

It's okay if it's taking you time to get used to how your body looks now, but I also want to say that learning not to hate it is definitely possible.


One of the main things that I did that made a huge difference was to describe my body more neuturally. This didn't come naturally at all, but after practice it can really change how you feel about your body.

Like I'd start thinking "My stretch marks look horrible.". And when I found myself thinking that, I'd look at them again and try to think about them in a more neutral way. "My stretch marks are purple." or "My stretch marks run down my hips."

Do you think that might be worth trying at all?


I can also help you find some resources on body neutrality or a Health at Every Size approach if you want them. 

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