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Hi @Akinna


I can hear how distressed your feeling 😪 and how difficult things have been for you.


It sounds like you're feeling quite conflicted about things - on the one hand you want people to notice your pain, but on the other hand, you don't want them to because you don't want them to worry. You also don't want to feel numb, but feeling numb is better than feeling too much emotion. Feeling conflicted is never nice, so I really do feel for you.


I'm glad to hear that you have been speaking to your parents, and that you have someone that you speak to at the school, and that you're in involved in the music class.


Please know that we are here to listen and support you.


Apart from harm, sleep, or watching brooklyn 99,  what else do you tend to do when you feel depressed?Are you recieving any professional support at the moment?


Also, by the way, I removed some of what you wrote about your self-harm experiences, and some of what you said alludes to a method, which is against our community guidelines. I hope this is okay with you. 

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