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It sounds like you're really going through hell. I don't have a whole lot to say right now I'm sorry but I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope your mind gives you a break at some stage, even just for a moment or two. You sound very self aware which is awesome but I also understand how sometimes that can make things worse. Like I know for me I hate people telling me I'm self aware because I feel like they are telling me I don't need help because I already know what's happening? So I do want to address that. You seem very aware of what's happening but I can 200% relate to how hard it can be to accept and to actually do things that are supposedly going to help because like you, I've also tried a heck of a lot and nothing seems to work. So I am definitely hearing you. I'm sorry the meds are a bit of a challenge at the moment. I won't go into how I feel about meds but I do hope that they are able to help in some way or another. Do you find talking to your psychiatrist helps? I know you mentioned your psych isn't super helpful atm so just wondering if there is someone else who you get a bit more out of from talking with them? It's not an easy journey and it SUCKS and I have plenty of other words for it which I can't use on here lol But I am definitely hearing you and I am so sorry you're experiencing this. Hang in there. You sound like a fighter. I know how hard it can be, but keep on fighting if you can because we are all here for you 💙

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