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Oh good grief @Janine-RO that kitten though!!!!

So adorable it actually hurts!!! ❤️


For me it's the small things that add up to make being alive feel like a tiny miracle - the smell of cookies baking, a hug, the feel of my cat purring, seeing someone I care about smile... 


It helps me to think about how I get to be one of the limited number of people who live on this beautiful rock floating in space and how weird and amazing that is

Climate Change Earth GIF


Professional support for the pain that goes with (and beyond) being human

Doctor Help GIF by Apple TV


Finding things that I love to do and that bring me purpose and meaning

Cat Reaction GIF


Being kind to myself and not expecting myself to be perfect

Perfect Cat GIF by Amanda


Supporting other people

March Madness Love GIF by NCAA Championships

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