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I am pretty sure she is a social worker yeah she was saying the goal is to keep me out of the hospital which would be good because i hate going there and it always makes things harder after. i am hoping if i work on the stuff with her then i wont have to be on an order but yeah it is a bit daunting because i am scared i wont be able to do it properly whenever my psychologist has tried to tell me about diagnosis stuff it has always been hard because i dont know what to think/believe. like honestly it is really hard because there is a part of me that is like yes having schizoaffective diorder would explain a lot of thing that have happened in my life. but there is another part of me that is like no you arent mentally ill you are just psychic and have magical powers and stuff that others dont/wont/cant understand which is why they say you are mentally ill. but yeah idk what to think. 

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